All My Circuits

My name is Dario, I live in Switzerland and I’m an HPC System Engineer specialized in storage technologies, large file systems, Linux clusters and stuff like that.

Other than computers and retro computers, which are the main subjects of this website, I like sport cars (hope one day to own a Porsche 911, possibly before they switch to full electric propulsion…), hiking, mountain bikes and although may sound like a cliché I really like our mountains and everytime I travel for more than a week I start to miss they’re presence.
I also like photograpy and videography, in this fields I’m a complete novice but I enjoy my SONY A6000 very much and I hope to get better.

If you’d like to contact me to give any feedback on the contents I pubblish or just to share some experience feel free to use the Contact Form, send an email to [email protected] or simply reach me on Instagram (@framebuffer10)